Grocery Watch

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A smarter way to shop

The core concept of Grocery Watch was to stretch input information as far as possible to create a convenient tool that allows users to easily plan a series of meals with no waste. 

Start with users’ dietary preferences/allergies + the equipment they have at home to cook with + their budget. Next, take the inventory of the store that they shop at so they know they can get all the ingredients in one trip. There is so much you can do with just that information.

The user receives personalized recipe suggestions. Since the packaging size of the ingredient is known, you can accurately estimate leftover ingredients. The app helps you mix & match recipes to ensure you have zero waste.

Over time, if the user regularly uses the app, we can make nutritional suggestions of ingredients they might consider adding into the mix.

Since the scope of the project was to design both an app and a responsive website, I went for two target audiences respectively: the young adult starting to cook their own meals; the older adult who needs to make dietary changes but the task seems daunting.

High-Fidelity Prototype
Case Study
Website design and content © 2023 Alexander Fopeano